Sushi box cheap price Should not be the only factor in your purchase

           Mnay our clients or agents complain they found cheaper price plastic sushi box in the mraket in same design and size . They advise Sunzza must lower the unit price of diposable sushi box or give them discount , or in the future they will consider order from other suppliers.
          In fact ,plastic sushi box with low value is easy production by others ,the price decide sushi box main in materials,unit weight,printing effect ,production technology and the quality .For example ,The larger the weight of the sushi box, the thicker the texture. However, in order to match the maximum economic value and the best quality, we will take an intermediate node to match the suggestion customer or implement the production.Everyone who want to order cheaper sushi box in the marekt ,can compare with Sunzza and its sushi box quality .
1.put others supplier and Sunzza sushi box on the hand ,others lighter.
2.cheaper sushi box always made from small factory by labor prodcution line ,easy show fingerprints and dirt .
3.other suppliers easy show Irregular incision becuase they always production via Outdated production equipment.
         Sunzza will not always mtach lower price need , we choose to develop more beautiful design pattern to improve own competitiveness.We believe that the always-changing market is the only competitor to us .Sunzza high quality sushi box

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